Friday, July 31, 2015

Menu to Control Your Weight While Breastfeeding

We offer two low-calorie menus for mothers who breastfeed and those who have already stopped breastfeeding.

For moms who breastfeed their babies, we offer a menu of 1,700 kcal and for moms who have left breastfeeding, a second menu diet of 1,400 kcal per day. You can use these two "menu type" as a model to guide you in choosing foods and quantities.

Moms who breastfeed: 1,700 kcal:

- Whole milk: 250 g.
- Honey: 20 g.
- 5 crackers.
- A pear.

- 70 g 30 g pasta with fresh tomato, basil and 10 g of olive oil.
- 2 boiled eggs.
- 150 g of raw spinach salad (10 g of olive oil).
- 50 g of bread.

- 100 g of apple and banana salad (100 g).

- Rice with peas (40 g of rice and 120 g of peas).
- 120 g of baked rabbit.
- 150 g of salad carrots 10 g of olive oil.
- 50 g of bread.